
Can You Be Truly an Inspiration and Motivation to Yourself?

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Absolutely You Can, You have the abilities like everyone else.

Being an inspiration to yourself is very important for spiritual and materialistic growth and be truly happy.

You can learn your subconscious mind to make it believe to be a true inspiration to yourself if you have really hard time truly believe it from your Heart.

What really helped me many years ago was practicing meditations regularly at least 4 times a week, or every other day. Now I like to do it every day, and there’s always time for it. A few years is the difference FROM not really believing it and forcing myself to create a habit, TO doing it automatically and loving it.

The beginnings are always hardest, and belief system isn’t always there to support you. Then there true inner belief, that it’s the right thing to do kicks in.

Getting yourself lost in order to find yourself again is a very helpful exercise for the mind, also to get away from everything, look at the things from a different angle, and verify whether it’s still a good path, the direction that you want to go.

It’s also good for controlling the EGO so it doesn’t take the best of you.

Find the things about yourself that really inspire you and focus on those, after a while more will come.

Inspiration to yourself

Originally answered at https://www.quora.com/Can-you-be-an-inspiration-to-yourself-I-am-aware-of-the-difference-between-motivation-and-inspiration-I-understand-that-I-can-motivate-myself-but-can-I-truly-inspire-myself-by-the-person-that-I-am-and-the-things-that-I-do



How to Communicate about Your Passions with an Intelligent Person?

This is very individual, and someone may be would do different things, but if I am open about the subject, many times I like to listen to find out what the other person has got to say.

If what they are saying good, meaning that it resonates with me and my feelings and I liked the person I say it to them. Important is to stop feeling like that someone is trying to overpower you with their knowledge, but rather express genuine happiness that you can share and learn on the particular subject that you both have a common passion for.

Therefore you should be able to recognize whether is someone trying to overpower/defeat you with their knowledge or if they just want to have an interesting conversation.

I know it’s hard to do but it’s possibly the best thing to do to stop getting these ridiculous feelings.

Originally answered at:

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