
The Practice of Direct Awakening Course by Craig Hamilton

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What Is The Practice of Direct Awakening?

the practice of direct awakening Craig Hamilton review

In The Practice of Direct Awakening, spiritual teacher Craig Hamilton provides a 12-week program on awakening and meditation, building on the foundation of the basic practices of mindfulness. The program includes a comprehensive set of exercises that cultivate the fundamental ground of being. By practicing these exercises consistently, you will discover the inner-most self and become more aware of the true nature of your experience. Here are some of these exercises:

The Practice of Direct Awakening is an approach that has helped thousands of people achieve enlightenment. In addition to being an effective teaching tool, it is also a practice that requires a sincere desire to awaken. Although Awakening is an elusive state, anyone can practice it with sincere intent and practice. There is no age limit to awakening, and you can begin right now.

The Practice of Direct Awakening involves committing to one practice each day, either silently contemplated during meditation or in a moment of undistracted awareness. It is a life-changing experience that can transform your entire life. This revolutionary method has already been taught by renowned spiritual leaders and to thousands of students. It doesn’t require decades of practice and can change your life in a matter of weeks.

Unlock the Power of Meditation 2.0

The Practice of Direct Awakening includes five modules, each containing a different meditation practice. Each module contains a brief video introducing the key principles and insights of each module. The videos will be released weekly on the Online Learning Portal. In addition to the course materials, Craig Hamilton creates three 30-minute guided meditation audios for each module. These audios reinforce the techniques of meditation introduced in the modules, and can help you develop a sense of clarity and mindfulness.


Unlocking the Power of Meditation with Craig Hamilton

Craig Hamilton is a pioneer in the evolutionary spiritual movement, leading the charge towards conscious evolution. In his Integral Enlightenment program, he offers spiritual guidance to a growing worldwide community. Craig is able to guide those who want to evolve to reach the highest level and make their greatest contributions. But first, we must learn about the benefits of meditation. In this book, you will discover what you are able to achieve by meditating regularly.

Guide to Integral Enlightenment

A leading voice in the movement for conscious evolution, Craig Hamilton has been a pioneer of evolutionary spirituality. His courses, books, and seminar workshops on meditation and direct awakening have supported people from 85 countries in their spiritual quest and have produced more than 14,000 graduates. Hamilton’s work has led to the creation of the Academy for Evolutionaries, which offers practical spiritual tools and training informed by a cutting-edge understanding of the human condition. Craig Hamilton’s work is available to anyone who’s committed to evolution and wants to learn more about their inner-self.


The Practice of Direct Awakening includes several important steps, including the acceptance of the radical truth of your essential nature. The first step is to realize that you are infinite, limitless, and unstoppable. This will enable you to open to unlimited joy, freedom, and the fullness of life. By adopting the practice of Direct Awakening, you will find yourself free from the chains of limitation and experience, and you will be able to enjoy the bliss of being awake and aware in every moment of your life.

The Practice of Direct Awakening provides an opportunity to learn to integrate the many spiritual practices and teachings from around the world. Craig has a background in psychology and served as a senior editor for the acclaimed magazine What Is Enlightenment? He has also participated in the living “laboratory of evolution” known as EnlightenNext. In addition, he has been involved in the leadership of an international spiritual community.

The Practice of direct Awakening eBook

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