
The Truth About The Best Protein Supplements – Pros And Cons

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The Truth About The Best Protein Supplements - Pros And Cons

Protein supplement is the new buzz word for today. Athletes from all over the world, be the ones involved in the sports, weight lifting, power training, strength training, wrestling, boxing, or any other type of extreme sport have an ongoing debate about the pros and cons of using protein supplements for improved results in terms of enhanced performance, muscle growth, greater stamina, etc. Such a debate has created a fine opportunity for the relevant businesses to spend even more on marketing and advertising and lure the people into making use of protein supplements.

With half of the athletes supporting the use of such supplements while the other half highlighting the disadvantages; with businesses spending more than ever before on marketing such products while health professionals working diligently to research the pros and cons associated with their use, the overall scenario is quite confusing for an average consumer. It seems next to impossible for a potential consumer to make an informed decision about choosing or leaving the protein supplements.

If you have been baffled about a similar concern, you have landed on the right page. We aim at putting all of the information regarding the potential benefits and risks associated with the use of protein supplements in a language that is understandable for a layman. We don’t want you to blindly follow the athletes, health professionals, or the manufacturers. We want you to go through the information in detail and make your decision by yourself.

Without further ado, therefore, let’s dive into the potential benefits and risks associated with regular consumption of protein supplements and enlighten you to the truth about such supplements.


Let’s Start With The Positive First

The first and foremost benefit of using a protein supplement is that of convenience. Let’s face it, it’s not always in your interest to monitor your diet closely and make sure that you are consuming sufficient quantities of protein on a regular basis to fuel your goal of muscle growth, weight loss, toned body, enhanced performance, or better stamina. Without protein supplements, you have to use multiple protein sources like lean meat, egg whites, and plant-based proteins to reach your daily requirements. On the other hand, the use of protein supplements shows a way out of all the hassle since it enables you to meet your daily requirements without being careful about what you eat and when you eat it throughout the day.

What’s more, is that the protein supplement is known to offer the best of both worlds. On one hand, it enables you to fuel the growth of your muscles and help them get in better shape when blended with regular exercise, while on the other hand, it has been shown to be effective for weight loss as well. The reason is that the protein supplement is[restrict] usually merged with a low-calorie diet. The supplement has the potential to control hunger pangs. Once you start to be content with a low-calorie diet and high protein content, your body will be forced to break down the accumulated fats and use them as an energy source. As a consequence, you will be able to achieve your weight loss goal much efficiently.

Another major benefit that is particularly pronounced for the athletes involved in high-intensity training is that of efficient muscle recovery. It is common knowledge that after every session at the gym, your body requires a sufficient amount of time for the muscles to recover before they can be put under stress again. Failure to let them recover only leads to the loss of muscle mass which is entirely counteractive for the ultimate goal of an athlete. The use of a protein supplement that replenishes the body with a high protein content serves to remarkably reduce this muscle recovery time. Consequently, you’d be able to spend more time on your workouts without having to worry about minimizing the results.

Lastly, if you are someone who isn’t always crazed about the idea of food, it may be difficult for you to meet your daily protein requirements. For a young adult male, it is usually recommended to consume at least 56g of protein on a regular basis. Take the high-intensity training into consideration and the requirements may as well be significantly higher than that. For people who don’t love eating in intervals, the use of protein supplement seems like the only option at their disposal to address their protein requirements since their daily food consumption is not sufficient to accomplish that.

A few of the researches have also hinted towards an association of high protein intake in the form of protein supplements with that of lowered cholesterol levels in the consumer as well as the pronounced anti-cancer properties. The evidence, however, is not substantial and further research is to be performed before anything can be concluded with some confidence.


Sounds Good, What’s The Issue Then?

So, you’re probably wondering what’s the catch. As far as the above-mentioned information is concerned, it all sounds pretty good and you are probably this close to finalizing the decision of getting a protein supplement to boost up your athletic goals including that of enhanced performance, muscle growth, increased stamina, and weight loss. But bear with us for a little longer. It’s time that you get informed about the other side of the story.

Here’s the deal. Too much of anything can never be good for the body. If that statement stands true for water, that is known as the essence of life, you can take it for granted that it holds true for proteins for sure. If you are consistently consuming a significantly higher quantity of proteins than your body’s requirements, it is only a matter of time before your kidney give up because they are exhausted of metabolizing all the waste that proteins produced in your body. This is what puts you at a greater risk of kidney diseases, kidney stones, and even renal failure in the worst-case scenario. Make a quick Google search and you’d be able to find instances of fatalities that were caused by excessive consumption of protein supplements.

An important thing to realize is that the lifestyle of an average potential consumer is dramatically different than that of an athlete. The latter might require increased protein intake owing to the high-intensity training and physical activity that makes a greater part of his day, but an average person is more than likely to have his protein requirements met via the routine meals. If anything, you can make a small effort to improve your diet instead and have the protein requirements satisfied. All you have to do is incorporate more of the egg whites and lean meat, for example, to rid yourself of the need of using a protein supplement. Try to picture this from a different perspective. When it is possible for an average individual to keep his body fueled with the required amount of proteins on a day to day basis and that too all naturally with the routine meals, why would you want to spend your precious money into buying a product to do the same, all the while knowing that it is putting your health at risk as well.

Protein supplements can also interfere with the pharmaceutics which is why it is strictly prohibited in an event that you are required to take regular medication for one of your conditions such as asthma. Other side effects may include nausea, vomiting, anxiety, reduced coordination, headache, stomach pain, and fatigue. What’s more, is that the number of fake products in the market has been on a rise. Provided that you haven’t made a thorough research, you may end up getting a product that isn’t protein in the first place or worse, may even contain the illegal substances.


Final Words

The above-mentioned information highlights that the decision of choosing or leaving the protein supplement is not as straightforward as you would like it to be. There is no argument over the fact that the benefits of performance, stamina, endurance, muscle growth, weight loss can indeed be realized with the use of protein supplements. But on the other hand, there are a few serious risks associated with regular consumption as well. In consideration of the aforementioned information, therefore, the first decision that you need to make is whether or not it is your requirements to take a protein supplement in the first place. If you are just an average individual who hits the gym for weight training four to five days a week and loves to play tennis for a couple of days with his friends for fun, you are likely to be better off without the supplement and relying completely on the natural meals. Otherwise, it would be recommended to contact a dietician and a health expert to figure out the number of proteins your body needs on a daily basis, whether or not it is being met with your routine meals, and if proteins supplement is a safe alternative for you to opt for. All in all, it’s about your health and life in general. Avoid making a rash decision. Take your time and make your research before you come to a conclusion.[/restrict]

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