
Ultimate Guide To Start Ketogenic Diet for Weightloss: Pros and Cons

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Ultimate Guide To Start Ketogenic Diet for Weightloss_ Pros and Cons

Welcome to 2019; an era with such an excessive competition that our lives are getting busier by the day. Be it your professional life or personal relationships, things have been getting so demanding for you that you barely find yourself with time to take care of the single most important person in your life, “YOU”. Seriously, do you even remember the last time when you went on a walk just for the sake of physical activity? Can you even name the gymnasiums near your house? When was the last time you worked out and gave the importance to your physical and mental health that it so evidently deserves?

Such is a side effect of being a part of this rat race that we so proudly name as our lives in this time and age. The lack of physical activity has put this generation at the greatest risk of being obese than ever before. And sure, an ounce of confidence can help you make peace with that additional layer of fat on your body, but the truth is, that the consequences of being overweight are direr and penetrate deeper than just the appearance.

Yes, we totally support the idea that nothing looks more charming than the confidence of accepting one’s self. But if you have been struggling with gaining a bit of extra weight, can you really pretend that you are so absolutely comfortable with it that you wouldn’t budge even if there was something that you could do about it without having to take additional time for such an effort? If so, then good for you. This guide is NOT for you then and you are welcome to skip.

But if the idea of finding your way back to the optimum range of weight for your height and age excites you, read along and brace yourself to dramatically change your life for the better.


“I’m Ready – Show Me The Answer”

Physical activity is important, yes. But losing weight is a goal that is accomplished a lot more in the kitchen than it is in the gym. In other words, your diet has a lot to do with how effectively and efficiently would you be able to lose weight. How would you like to opt for a restrictive diet that doesn’t leave you with a consistent feeling of deprivation and hunger, but on the contrary, enables you to lose weight without sucking the energy out of you? Sounds thrilling? This is what your basic Ketogenic Diet can serve for you.


An Introduction To The Ketogenic Diet

In the simplest of terms, Ketogenic diet also known as the Keto diet is an eating plan that relies majorly on high-fat and low-carbohydrates. Yes, we can understand the shock on your face and it’s totally justified. We have been talking with such confidence about losing weight and here we are highlighting a high-fat diet for you. Something doesn’t add up, right? It’s okay if it doesn’t make sense for you right now. Read along and it will eventually start to.

The idea of the Ketogenic diet is certainly not a new one. Have you ever heard of these amazing body transformations of the celebrities? All these famous people managing to keep their body in such an impeccable form that it makes you envious to your very soul? Well, guess what is it that helps them accomplish the fitness goal despite their busy schedules? More often than not, the answer is the Keto diet. Celebrities like Adriana Lima and Halle Barry have also been forwardly vocal in their interviews about how effective they have found such an eating plan.

The primary reason why the high-fat diet helps you transform your body into a machine that burns fat faster than normal is the way it changes the entire mechanism that the human body usually utilizes to extract energy out of the consumed food. Ordinarily, your body would metabolize the carbohydrates and turn them into glucose which can then be used as a source of energy for bodily functions. With the Ketogenic diet that keeps your body fueled with high-quality good fats and minimize the consumption of carbohydrates, your body is forced to use these fats as a source of energy and break its reliance on the carbohydrates to produce glucose to serve the purpose. Consequently, your body is trained to burn fats at a greater pace than usual.


A Quick Sneak Peek Into Ketosis

The process elaborated above in which your body relies on the good fats as a source of energy rather than carbohydrates is generally termed as Ketosis. The liver plays an active role in transforming the stored fats of your body as well as the ones from your diet into molecules that are known as Ketones; much like the glucose that is produced from carbohydrates in a body that has not been shifted towards Ketosis.

As a rule of thumb, if the Ketone levels in your body reach 0.8 millimoles per liter, the body is said to have activated Ketosis or what you can call as the weight loss mode. With a Ketogenic diet, you are essentially lending a hand for your body to accumulate Ketones and activate this weight loss mode.


How Does The Ketogenic Diet Work For Weight Loss?

keto diet for weightloss

Let’s take a moment and compare the ordinary processes with the ones which are brought into action with Ketosis. When your body is completely reliant on glucose as a source of energy, it only makes sense that you will consistently have to provide carbohydrates in the form of diet. This has the potential to work up the appetite and give rise to cravings. Consequently, you eat more and with a lack of physical activity to metabolize the incoming glucose, you set yourself up to gain more weight.

On the other hand, once Ketosis has been activated, your body starts to depend on the fat stores for a constant supply of energy. The fat reserves in your body are more than sufficient to never let you run out of energy. Since the body fat itself is acting as a source of energy, your appetite and cravings are minimized while the fat reserves are simultaneously being burned at a greater pace. This is what promotes effective and efficient weight loss in the long run.

There are two prominent hormones that are impacted by the Keto diet in an attempt to accomplish the weight loss goal; CCK (Cholecystokinin) and Ghrelin. The former is a hormone responsible for making you feel full. The latter, on the other hand, is the one that promotes your appetite which is why it is commonly known as the “Hunger Hormone”. As evident, the Ketogenic diet works to stimulate the production of CCK so you’ll feel more satisfied and full after your meals while it reduces the levels of Ghrelin in the bloodstream at the same time, to keep the cravings at bay for a longer period of time. Simply put, with variations in these hormonal levels, you will feel fuller with shorter meals and will manage to stretch the time between each of your meals. This entire process that builds the foundation of Ketosis ultimately promotes weight loss.


The Truth About Restricting Calories To Lose Weight

restricting calories to lose weight


An intriguing mind may question; why shouldn’t I just stick with the old-fashioned calorie restriction to lose weight? Mind it that we are in no way implying that restricting calories can’t accomplish the goal of weight loss. All we are suggesting is that the Ketogenic diet is a simpler, easier, and more practical way of realizing the goal. The thing with restricting calories is that[restrict] it doesn’t minimize the appetite and the cravings. As a matter of fact, if anything, your hormones may even rage war against you to eat more and regain all the weight that you have shed with so much effort in the past few months. After all, you’re depriving the body of its very energy source. You may accomplish weight loss with calorie restriction, but you will surely end up being lethargic due to the lack of energy in the long run.

Answer this; if you are forcing yourself into eating less without addressing the challenge of a constant feeling of being hungry, how long do you think you’d be able to keep up with it? A month, maybe two? Eventually, there is a good chance that you will submit to the cravings. Mind it that it’s like a vicious cycle. It’s not like you’ll lose control for a meal and will immediately get back to your diet plan afterward. The moment you give in, it’ll get that much harder for you to find your way back to the track. The more you eat, the more you will crave until eventually your entire plan of losing weight and sticking to a restrictive diet will die as always.

This is the very reason why the Keto diet is a better solution. With its effect on the CCK and Ghrelin hormones to minimize your “hungry all the time” mode while keeping the optimum energy levels as mentioned earlier, it aims to fix the root cause of why you are inclined to gain weight without turning you into a lazier, slower, and an unmotivated individual.


How Many Types Of Ketogenic Diets Can I Opt From?


Interestingly enough, the Ketogenic diet is further subcategorized into different types that you can opt from depending on your goal and personal preferences. For instance, when we introduced you to the Ketogenic diet in this guide, our definition most closely resembled that of the standard Ketogenic diet. The only goal of the standard Keto diet is to minimize the consumption of net carbs on a day to day basis. By net carbs, we mean the sum of carbohydrates that you consume in a day except that of sugar alcohols and fiber, since such are the sources that neither have the ability to change the blood glucose levels nor are suitable to be stored as glucose reserves which are in the form of glycogen. Your goal with a standard Ketogenic diet would be to bring the carbohydrates consumption to as low as 50 grams in a day. A few of the followers, however, prefer to go as down as only 20 grams.

The Cyclical Ketogenic diet is very similar to that of the standard Keto diet but with one striking difference. While you are keeping the carbs intake to less than 50 grams with a standard Ketogenic diet every day of the week, the Cyclical Keto diet enables you to have what can only be called the cheat day. Depending on the individual ability and goals, the Cyclical Ketogenic diet sticks you to the low carbs, a high-fat diet for at least five to six days of the week. The final day or perhaps a couple of days every week, you are allowed to refeed your body with a high carb diet. Mind it, though, that the carbs count is still not to topple the 150 grams a day mark.

This brings us to our next prominent subcategory of the Ketogenic diet that is known as the Targeted Keto diet. If you identify yourself as someone who is actively working towards the weight loss goal and is blending multiple different strategies to accomplish this goal, then the Targeted Keto diet is going to be more suitable for you. The reason is that it is highly likely that you will be an intense work out regime as well for efficient realization of the weight loss goal. Under such circumstances, it has been reported that the performance at the gym may take a hit without the supply of glucose as a source of energy. Therefore, with the Targeted Keto diet, you are following everything just as you would with the standard Ketogenic diet, but approximately thirty minutes before you hit the gym, you are required to fuel your body with a relatively higher amount of carbohydrates. The metabolism of these carbs will generate a temporary source of glucose and hence, energy for the body. After workout once all the glucose has been utilized, the body will return back to Ketosis.

Another popular type of Ketogenic diet is known as the Dirty Keto diet. Did you notice how we have been emphasizing on the high-quality, good fats as an imperative component of the Keto diet in this guide? Well, with the Dirty Keto diet, that emphasizes can be slashed. With the Dirty Ketogenic diet, you are still required to consume the same proportion of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, however, it is different than the other types since the source of these macronutrients is irrelevant in this case. So, you can essentially have your favorite beef steak with pepper sauce and a chilled glass of mint margarita in dinner as long as the requirement of keeping the fats, proteins, and carbs in the recommended proportion is being met. A word of caution, though. The Dirty Ketogenic diet is kind of a grey area and the results are known to be somewhat of a mixture. There have been reports of followers claiming this particular type of Ketogenic diet to NOT be as effective for weight loss as the other ones. Therefore, if you have perhaps gained some holiday weight and your weight loss goal is somewhat mild with no dramatic expectations, then perhaps it would make sense for you to follow the Dirty Keto diet. Otherwise, opting for one of the other types would be recommended.

Finally, the moderate Ketogenic Diet, as the name suggests is the one that aims at consuming a higher proportion of good quality fats, but with as much as 100 to even 150 grams of carbohydrates on a daily basis as well. The reason is that cutting down on the carbs intake can cause hormonal imbalance and disruptions, especially in women. For people who find it hard to go without the carbs, therefore, the moderate Ketogenic Diet is a better, more practical option. Similarly, as mentioned earlier, without glucose as a source of energy, your stamina may get hurt. This is why the moderate Keto diet is a better option for the athletes who would otherwise feel burned out during excessive physical activity.

As evident from this information, there are multiple different types of Keto diets that you can choose from depending on what suits you best. In order to find your best match, it is recommended to give each of the types at least a month before finalizing your decision. Since switching to a Ketogenic diet is a major dietary change for the body, it is always a wise decision to consult with your doctor before you move on to the implementation phase. Remember, the most important part of keeping up with the Keto diet is to make sure that your food intake is being determined on the basis of fats, proteins, and carbs consumptions rather than how many calories are you consuming on a daily basis.


Benefits Of Ketogenic Diet

benefits of keto diet

Let’s be honest, shall we? You are perhaps already convinced of the Ketogenic diet, how it works, and what it can deliver. But deep down, you are still wondering why you should take a Ketogenic diet for granted when there is clearly a whole list of alternatives and weight loss programs that claim to deliver the same results. If so, we appreciate your curiosity. It’s the first step towards making an informed decision. In light of which we would like to highlight a few of the prominent benefits that you will get to relish provided that you opt for the Ketogenic diet.

  1. Guaranteed Weight Loss

The first and foremost benefit of the Ketogenic diet, as has been emphasized multiple times already in this guide is that of effective and efficient weight loss. The Keto diet distinguishes itself from all other programs since it focuses on fixing the root cause of why there is a natural proclivity in your body towards gaining weight. The low-carb, high-fat diet aims at minimizing your appetite and cravings without making your body deprived of the energy that it requires to perform the day to day tasks. This is both because of the hormonal regulation as well as the high protein content of the diet.

Remember that your body has to work more when it comes to converting fat to energy as compared to extracting it out of the carbohydrates. Thanks to this additional effort that your body has to invest, the high-fat diet will naturally speed up the process of losing weight. This has been substantially supported by research and the role of the Ketogenic diet in effective and efficient weight loss is no longer a grey area.

  1. Lose Fats Where It Matters The Most

Targeted weight loss is a myth and we are not going to stand here and argue otherwise to try and make a fool out of you. But that doesn’t mean that certain things can’t relatively speed up the process of shedding fats at a particular spot of your body. If the idea sounds interesting, get ready to fall in love with the Ketogenic diet.

If you had a choice to lose an additional layer of fat from anywhere on your body, what would be the first spot that you will think of? If you are being honest, it is surely going to be your belly. Truth is, no one likes a protruding tummy. If given the option, absolutely one hundred percent of us will opt for a lean tummy.

The Ketogenic diet is different and rather preferable compared to other weight loss programs since it focuses more on removing the extra fats from your belly and improving your chances of letting the abs finally make an appearance if you are blending the diet with an intensive work out regime. Mind it, the fat reduction will by no means be confined to your tummy. But the process will only be relatively quicker in this area.

  1. Get A Clearer Skin

As long as we are talking about the factors which contribute to your overall appearance, wouldn’t you say that your skin health must not be missed? What the majority of us fail to realize is that there is a strong connection between the food that we intake on a regular basis and how our skin responds to it. For instance, if you are habitual of consuming excess amounts of refines or processed carbohydrates, it is only a matter of time before it disturbs the gut bacteria leading to more dramatic fluctuations in terms of blood sugar levels. Such fluctuations have a way of manifesting in the form of skin acne.

With the Keto diet, you are essentially cutting your body off such carbohydrates. With a dwindling supply of this source of disturbance, the gut bacteria are restored and optimized. As a consequence, drastic fluctuations in the blood glucose levels are minimized which eventually improves your chances of guarding yourself against skin acne. All in all, isn’t it funny how we continue to consume a diet that’s high in refined and processed fats and then wonder why is it that none of the expensive cosmetic products work for our acne? Now you know that the answer to your problem is not in the costly cosmetic products. It simply lies in making a diet change.

  1. Protection For Heart Health

Although we haven’t yet dived deep into the benefits, it has perhaps already getting clearer that the Ketogenic diet is not confined to putting you on the right track to achieve your weight loss goals only. It actually helps improve a lot of other components that define your overall health and the quality of life. Take heart health, for example. Did you know that opting for a Keto diet, you are simultaneously protecting your heart health against all potential harms of the otherwise unhealthy food that we intake on a regular basis?

We would like to bring your attention back to how we have been focusing on sticking to the “GOOD” fats when referring to the Ketogenic diet. Good fats are also commonly known as the High-Density Lipoproteins (HDL). Several studies have supported that the Keto diet can help a great deal in improving the HDL levels while minimizing the bad fats such as that of Low-Density Lipoproteins (LDL), Cholesterol, Triglycerides, etc. With the increase in HDLs and diminishing LDLs, the risk of hypertension is pushed to the background, your heart functions optimally and is removed from the risk of heart diseases including that of heart attacks.

  1. Special Benefits For The Ladies

Here is something extra for our female audience. It’s unfortunate that PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) has been on a rise lately. And much like a wide range of other disorders, we fail to relate the occurrence with the inappropriate, unhealthy diet that we consume on a regular basis. PCOS is characterized by enlarged ovaries which have the potential to develop cysts if left untreated. The disorder can be worsened due to the high-carb diet.

While there haven’t been a lot of studies which have focused on the highlighting the association between the Ketogenic diet and the reduced risk of PCOS, considering that this diet is low on carbs that contribute to worsening the endocrine disorder, it would be fair to conclude that theoretically, it should help you keep the risk of developing PCOS at bay or minimizing the complications if you are already suffering from it.

It would, however, take more research to recommend the Keto diet as a unique mode of protection against PCOS with absolute confidence.

  1. A Perfect Synergy For Chemotherapy

It won’t be unfair to state that in terms of healthcare catastrophes, it probably never gets any worse than cancer. The chronic condition is such that any group of strategies and treatments which have even the slightest of hope in improving the chances of patients in winning the battle against cancer are worth trying. This is perhaps why you are likely to find such a patient focusing on a blend of modern and alternative medicine in an attempt to find an applicable cure.

The Ketogenic diet, however, is not just a hunch when it comes to improving the odds for a cancer patient. It has been shown with research that it is a perfect synergy for patients who are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy. The reason is that such a diet leads to a remarkably greater oxidative stress that is confined only to the cancerous cells. The Keto diet, therefore, is a more targeted strategy to fight cancer.

Depending on the type of cancer, insulin complications may pose a threat to the patient or a hindrance in successfully administering the treatment, to say the least. By minimizing the blood glucose levels, the Ketogenic diet can potentially solve such a concern for cancer patients as well.

  1. May Minimize Episodes Of Seizures

A seizure is a symptom associated with a range of medical conditions especially the ones which fall in the realm of neuropsychology such as that of Epilepsy. Of course, there is a proper treatment required for such illnesses and a Ketogenic diet is by no means an alternative to the treatments. However, research has hinted towards its role in minimizing episodes of seizures. It is kind of a novel idea for research that requires more evidence to strengthen the claim, but so far, the results look promising.

To be fair, you can think of it as a hypothesis that the Keto diet can be effective in reducing seizures. But how effective is it going to be, is a question that can only be answered with more intensive research. The results of the studies so far have accentuated that such a diet can particularly prove to be helpful for the children who are suffering from episodes of focal seizures.

You may also find it interesting to know that the benefits of the Keto diet in the neuropsychology niche are not limited to seizures. Researchers have also started to dig deeper into the potential neuroprotective role of the Ketogenic diet. If proved beyond doubt, it would open new horizons for the prevention of medical conditions like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and a list of sleep disorders. The extensive research that is being performed on this niche has also pointed out that the children who stuck to the Keto diet are more likely to be cognitively sharp and relatively more alert as compared to the control group of the children who had an otherwise usual diet. This is what highlights the role of what you eat in determining the functioning of your organs as vital as the brain itself.

  1. Impeccable Support For Those With Diabetes

So we have been talking about how the whole idea of the Ketogenic diet is focused on consuming minimum carbohydrates and removing the body reliance on glucose as a source of energy and you really thought that we are not going to highlight how beneficial that can be for the people who are suffering from Diabetes?

Why do you think the Diabetic patients are strictly restricted from eating the desserts in particular? It’s primarily because of the excess of refined and processed carbohydrates in the sweet courses. The Keto diet naturally focuses on consuming good fats and proteins while minimizing the carbs as much as possible. As a result, fluctuations in the blood glucose levels are unlikely that makes it impeccable protection against Diabetes-related complications in the patients.

Considering how a Ketogenic diet is intensely focused to cater to Diabetic patients while simultaneously offering a bunch of other health benefits, opting for such a diet shouldn’t even be optional for such patients. Seriously, take your time and think of one good reason why a Diabetic patient shouldn’t stick to the Keto diet?


A Quick Glance Into The Ketogenic Diet

ketogenic diet restrictions

We are not going to lie. We are a little disappointed in you. How can you possibly keep on reading and never ask about the kind of food that you may or may not take while trying to stick to a Ketogenic diet? Don’t worry, though. We understand the relevance and importance of this information and here we are, about to give you a quick glance into the Ketogenic diet.

The best part of the Keto diet is that you have a variety to choose from in terms of what to consume on a day to day basis. For instance, when it comes to choosing the oil, you can opt for the likes of olive oil, coconut oil, or even avocado oil. Similarly, edibles like butter, cheese, heavy cream, or a mixture of these; cream cheese is all allowed for the Keto follower to consume. If you are into nuts, try to stick to the almonds or the macadamia nuts. When it comes to choosing from the seeds, flaxseeds, chia seeds, and sunflower seeds are the most Keto-friendly options at your disposal. There is not a single Keto diet that goes without eggs. So there’s good news for the egg loves. In terms of meat, you have a range of options including chicken, pork, beef, lamb, and even fish specifically if you are going for fatty fish like those of Sardines or Salmon. For our vegan audience, your best options for leafy green vegetables include collards, romaine, kale, and spinach. If you would rather opt for the non-starchy vegetables, go for asparagus, broccoli, bell peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, and cauliflower instead.

So these were a few of the options that are open for you if you are making the switch to a Ketogenic diet. Now comes the hard part; the things that you must avoid consuming. Starting with the bad news that there is only a handful of whole fruits that are Keto-friendly. Other than those, you are going to have to let go of the whole fruits. Similar is the case for whole grains as well as the widest range of dried fruits. If you are into the stuff like ice creams, desserts, and milk, sticking to a Ketogenic diet would come as quite a challenge for you, so, brace yourself. You are also going to have to stay away from alcohol, chicken nuggets, and cold cuts.

But let’s not keep you hanging. Let us create a brief meal plan for you to give you an idea of what your day will look like while following the Keto diet.

You can start your breakfast with two fried eggs. Add a cup of heavily creamed coffee in there and perhaps a couple of slices of Tomato to stir up the flavor. For a small snack later in the day, go for the cottage cheese (full-fat) and get a topping of pine nuts. Your lunch can have multiple different flavors to keep things exciting. For instance, you can opt for avocado and cheese. The spinach salad never fails to satisfy the taste buds, especially when topped with a burger (grass-fed). The spinach salad would surely be the highlight for the vegetarians. For a small snack in the evening, why don’t you try the salted, roasted almonds? There isn’t a lot of options for a Keto-follower in terms of the dry fruits. So, this one should get you excited if your love for dry fruits in the winter season knows no bounds. Finally, for dinner, let’s try to include a form of meat, say, for example, you could have a grilled salmon. In order to turn it into a proper meal, get a sideline of butter laced Broccoli.

So, for anyone who may find it hard to get his own Keto-friendly meal plan, here’s one that you can follow at least in the beginning as long as you don’t find one that is specifically catered to your individual requirements. This once includes vegetables, meat, and dairy products. As evident, we have tried to keep it as diverse as possible to prevent you from being bored of following the Ketogenic diet.


Are There Any Side Effects That I Should Know Of?

It’s amazing when you start to ask the right questions. Of course, when you are enticed into something that supposedly doesn’t have even a single side effect, it’ll seem like too good to be true. And if there’s one thing we have learned over the years of research, if something looks too good to be true, it usually is.

We promised you to give you a comprehensive view of the Ketogenic diet and that surely includes the side effects that you may experience. So, let’s take a closer look at such side effects as well as what you can do to minimize them in order to further extend a helping hand for you to make an informed decision about the Keto diet.

  1. Dehydration

When you are sticking to the usual diet that includes eating a lot of carbohydrates, you get to relish an additional benefit since carbohydrates are known to improve the water storage in your body. Simply put, the high carbs diet is unlikely to make your body dehydrated until you deliberately put an effort into it.

On the other hand, the high-fat diet that you will be clinging to provided that you opt for the Ketogenic diet doesn’t have an as pronounced impact on water storage for the body as otherwise. This causes additional stress on your kidneys while bringing a change in their functionality as well since due to the lack of water, the kidneys are forced to excrete Sodium out of the body instead of focusing on its storage. As a consequence, a Ketogenic diet puts you at a greater risk of dehydration as well as electrolyte imbalance. Both of these processes can ultimately lead to muscle cramps.

Remember that such an effect of the Ketogenic diet is more prominent when you start to adopt it. In the first couple of weeks, you are more likely to experience the effects of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. So, if all of sudden, your muscles start to cramp more than usual, don’t panic to the extent of quitting the Keto diet, in the first place. We have the solution for you.

Since it is the lack of water that is putting your body at a greater risk of dehydration and consequently the muscle cramps, the easiest of solutions at your disposal is to consume more water on a regular basis. If you are habitual of taking eight glasses of water per day, it is time that you start taking at least 12 glasses of water each day. Since it is the requirement of your body, you may not even have to give additional visits to the bathroom. And even if you do, wouldn’t you say it’s worth the while considering its role in protecting your kidneys and overall health against the harms of dehydration?

In order to reestablish the electrolyte balance, on the other hand, it is recommended to increase the intake of the food items which are Keto-friendly while rich in Sodium, Potassium, and Magnesium. All in all, as you can see, it’s just about putting a little bit of an effort and before you know it, you would be completely protected against the side effects of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.

  1. Rash

Regardless of how benign or harmless it may be, no one likes to have a rash on any spot of their body. It’s usually itchy that creates an uncomfortable sensation and if it is at a publicly visible spot, it ruins your entire appearance as well. If you agree to that, it may be a turn down for you to know that starting with the Ketogenic diet may present side effects of an itchy, red rash on your body. More often than not, such a rash is confined to the chest, neck, back, and armpits. Not to worry, though. This Keto diet associated rash that is commonly referred to as Prurigo pigmentosa isn’t really a threat in terms of your overall health.

It’s unfortunate that despite extensive research, the reason behind this side effect has not yet been identified. There are multiple schools of thought. Some researchers favor the reason that the Ketogenic diet has the potential to bring a change in the gut bacteria that manifests itself in the form of a red rash. Others are more inclined towards the hormonal changes or rather, imbalance that is involved in making the rash appear on certain spots on the skin. There has also been a debate that such a side effect is only confined to the followers who have an underlying allergy to one of the Keto-friendly food items that they start to consume on a regular basis.

Whatever the reason may be, the solution to fixing the Ketogenic diet associated rash is simple. To begin with, you can try incorporating a few of the carbohydrates back to your diet and see if that makes a difference. Perhaps, it is the lack of carbs that is expressing itself in the form of the red rash. If not, like any other rash, the least you can do is to make sure that you don’t wear tight clothing and avoid irritating it any further. Under such circumstances, it is preferable to avoid the use of perfumes, colognes, or other cosmetic products unless the rash has properly been healed. If you are into working out, it is recommended to take a break from that as well since excessive sweat can worsen the rash as well.

It has now turned into common knowledge that edibles with anti-inflammatory properties can help a great deal in minimizing the itchy, red rash that appears on the skin. Therefore, it would be a wise decision to look for options that are Keto friendly and yet are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. One such option is that of Turmeric Latte.

As always, if nothing is working for you, it is time that you give your doctor a visit. Be thorough in letting him know the scenario including the fact that you have adopted the Ketogenic diet so that he can make an informed decision about his condition and help you with it effectively.

  1. Insulin Downregulation

Well, if you are a beginner and are only starting with a Ketogenic diet, this may not even be an issue for you. The complications associated with Insulin downregulation is only for those people who have been following the Ketogenic diet for a long time. However, if you insist on knowing, here goes.

Truth is, that the human body is highly efficient in the way it functions. You join a gym and start lifting heavyweights. What’s the outcome? Your arms start to get bigger with time. Then you leave it and take a break from the gym for a few months. Now, what happens? Your arms seem to shrink back a little, right?

A similar process can start when you cut down on the carbohydrates in your diet. Since you are only consuming twenty to fifty grams of it on a daily basis, the Insulin production will begin to downregulate in your body. Once you have stuck to the Ketogenic diet for a long time and it has been a while that you consumed excessive carbohydrates, the downregulation of Insulin gets so pronounced that you may experience kind of an intolerance developed in your body for Carbohydrates.

What’s more, is that there are particular types of cells in our body that rely excessively on glucose for energy. For example, the cells inside your brain which are responsible for the immune and repair functions, known as the Glial Cells have a greater dependency on glucose as an energy source as compared to otherwise. Sticking to the Ketogenic diet for a long period of time may have an additional side effect of such cells failing to work up to their utmost potential. Remember, there isn’t going to be a malfunction. Such cells will just not be unlocking their true potential, that’s all.

However, for people who experience such side effects or even the ones who want to keep an active approach in counteracting such side effects, it is recommended to follow the cyclical Ketogenic diet. That way, you will be getting the benefits of the Ketogenic diet while replenishing your body with carbohydrates once or twice a week as well. People who follow the cyclical Keto diet are less likely to experience the side effect of Insulin downregulation than otherwise.

  1. Flu

Among all the side effects associated with the Ketogenic diet, the Keto-Flu is perhaps the one that is most commonly and widely known. The majority of people who adopt the Keto diet experience this side effect in the beginning. People who suffer from such a Flu during the first twenty-four to forty-eight hours as they cut the carbs and start with the high-fat diet are known to find it hard to fall asleep, experience excessive headaches, lose focus on their day to day tasks, feel helpless against the sugar cravings, suffer from muscle soreness, and general irritability.

None of the symptoms, however, are permanent in nature and scientists have generated a consensus that the Keto associated flu and the range of these symptoms mentioned above are just a natural mechanism for the human body to protest against the lack of carbohydrates. You can think of these symptoms as withdrawal symptoms. Since we are all habitual to consume excessive amounts of carbs on a daily basis, you can consider yourself as a carbs addict. Once you go into withdrawal, there are surely going to be some consequences.

What’s more, is that the withdrawal symptoms are more pronounced in people with excessive carbohydrates as the highlight of their diet. This is why it is recommended that the withdrawal should proceed gradually. Rather than cutting yourself completely on carbs, you should start to reduce the amount you are consuming on a daily basis and continue the process over a few weeks. That way, you are less likely to end up with the Keto diet associated Flu.

The reasons behind the Keto-Flu could be plenty. For instance, it could be dehydration and electrolyte imbalance, an increase in the levels of stress hormone also known as Cortisol, or even a reduction in the levels of T3 thyroid hormone may contribute to presenting the symptoms of Flu. Whatever the reasons, a few of the tried and tested strategies that are known to counteract the effects of Keto Flu include excessive hydration and consuming the Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium-rich food items as mentioned earlier. This will help with the complications associated with dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Moreover, at least in the beginning, make sure that you are consuming the finest quality fats. Increasing both the quality and quantity of fats have the potential to make it easier for your body to adapt to the new diet regime. Other than that, make sure that you are getting proper rest but complete bed rest is not by any means going to be helpful. You have to blend it with mild exercise and even meditation to get rid of the flu symptoms.

For detoxification of your body through the process, you can also try activated charcoal. Once detoxified, your body is in a much better position to fight the Flu.

  1. Lack Of Fiber

To be honest, it depends on how strict are you with yourself when it comes to cutting carbs out of your diet. If you are strictly following an intense Ketogenic diet with less than twenty grams of carbohydrates per day, you do also have to realize that it has an implication of dramatically reduced levels of fiber that you are taking in. If you are not consuming enough fiber, what do you think is the first complication that will come knocking at your door? Of course, it is going to be the likes of irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, and in the worst-case scenario, a great risk of developing colon cancer if the conditions persist.

The good news, however, is that there is a very simple solution to such complications. To begin with, you may be consuming a small quantity of carbohydrates, but you can make sure that the source of these carbs is the green leafy vegetables. Such vegetables are rich in fiber so that’ll help increase the Fiber intake without having to do the same with carbs. You could also try the cyclical Keto diet so and get a day or two every week in which you can replenish your body with carbs, and simultaneously, the fiber. Taking two spoons or a little more of salt on a daily basis is also recommended since it helps the body with water retention. The more it retains, the better it is for the bowel movements. As always, hydration and electrolyte balance is always a life savior.

Other than that, you may not know but mild exercise can have a supporting role for the digestive tract. Blending the Keto diet with mild exercise can help prevent digestive complications as well. As you begin your journey, remember to journalize each aspect of it including what you are eating and how well it is being digested.

  1. Insomnia

Insomnia as a side effect of a Ketogenic diet has not been explored via research, however, there have been episodes when people claimed to find it relatively harder to fall asleep when they adopt such a diet. Many people have also reported that while they can fall asleep easily, they usually wake up in the middle of the night and fail to fall back asleep. If you identify yourself as one such individual when you adopt the Keto diet, we have got you covered. Here’s your solution.

Remember how there’s always room to increase the carbs intake just a little bit to prevent the side effects of the Ketogenic diet? The same approach is applicable to sleep-related complications. If you can’t get a good night’s sleep while following the Keto diet strictly, you are allowed to take some extra carbohydrates in the night before you go to bed. All you have to do is make sure that the carbs you are consuming are of high-quality. To make it easier for you, for instance, you can take one teaspoon of honey in the raw form in the night before you go to bed.

  1. Diarrhea

So, previously we talked about how the high-fat diet has the potential to increase the risk of constipation and related digestive complications. But there have also been the followers who have reported excessive diarrhea in the beginning when they adopt the Ketogenic diet. The concept is pretty much the same. You are consuming something that your body is not habitual with. It will surely protest and the way it protests can vary. For some, it may be in the form of constipation, for others, it may diarrhea. These may be the opposite ends of the spectrum, but both the symptoms have been experienced by the followers.

This is why it is always a wise decision to make a gradual switch to the Ketogenic diet. Like when you go to the gym, you don’t go ahead and start lifting a hundred pounds on the barbell on your very first days. You start with something considerably smaller, right. Perhaps just twenty-five pounds and then you make your way up. Similar should be the approach when switching to the Ketogenic diet. Don’t take the risk of minimizing carbs in a single blow while increasing the fat intake all of a sudden. Make it gradual. Start to decrease the quantity of carbs on a daily basis while increasing the fat intake a little with each day. This will greatly reduce the risk of experiencing pretty much all of the side effects that we listed.

Since Diarrhea may stem from the incapacity of your body to digest excessive fats, supplementing it with enzymes can help a great deal. For instance, as Lipase can stimulate the digestion of fats, taking this enzyme can reduce the risk of Diarrhea when you are on a Keto diet. Similarly, Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) has a role in promoting digestion by increasing stomach acid. Therefore, it can also help minimize episodes of Diarrhea.


In light of the above-mentioned information, it won’t be wrong to conclude that if you are looking for something effective and efficient that can make you lose weight, things aren’t probably going to get any better for you than the Ketogenic diet. The best part of opting for this diet as compared to any other weight loss program out there is that it offers a wide range of other benefits as well that you can simultaneously get to relish while on a journey to your destination of losing that extra layer of fat from your body. Sure, there are a few side effects. But none of them are life-threatening or excessively complicated. There are simple strategies, tips, and tricks that you can make use of in order to minimize these side effects and get the most out of the Ketogenic diet.

Now that you have a comprehensive view of the Ketogenic diet, you are in a much better position to make an informed decision about opting for it. Remember that no one is claiming that the journey is going to be a convenient one. There will be obstacles, there will be times when you will feel like giving up, there will be side effects that you will have to find your way around, but in the long run, considering the benefits that you will ultimately get to relish, it is only fair to consider it worth the while. You have probably tried everything else for weight loss to no avail. What do you have to lose in giving the Ketogenic diet a go?[/restrict]



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