Self Growth

Why Is Regular Self Discipline Important for Personal Growth

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Why Is Regular Self Discipline Important for Personal Growth

Compare today with the lives of people some hundred years ago and you’d be able to see the drastic change that humanity has gone through. But through it all, there is one thing that has remained constant; the utmost priority for the men of last century was to be successful and it remains the same today for all of us as well. Over the years, the books written on tips and strategies for being successful in your time and age are countless. A simple Google search will confront you with an overwhelming number of principles that have been developed for people who are in search of success. But what if we told you that in a huge pile of skills, there is one that takes the lead in ensuring success, prosperity, and happiness for you in life? It’s true that you are destined for wonderful things in your life. But there is a lack of one quality that’s preventing you from unlocking your true potential.

Self-Discipline – A Fundamental Ingredient For Success

Contrary to popular opinion, the essence of self-discipline is not putting restrictions on the kind of lifestyle that you want to have. It is not the name of being harsh to yourself. In all honesty, if self-discipline could be described in one word, it would be “CONTROL”. Self-discipline is primarily the name of keeping a check on your feelings, desires, temptations, actions, and reactions. With self-discipline, you learn to control and postpone your current desires in pursuit of what you wish to achieve in the long run. With self-discipline, you learn to base your actions and reactions on your values rather than the momentary feelings. Adopting self-discipline and following it like a religion is a mark of inner strength.

It is imperative to have self-discipline for personal growth since it enables you to make informed decisions and firmly stick to them under all circumstances. It develops the skill of perseverance in a person that is of paramount importance for achieving the set goals. All in all, it brings a dramatic change in your life and supports your personal growth by overcoming laziness, procrastination, and even addictions.

The first step to adopting a new, positive habit is to get the required information. In order to practice it as an indispensable part of your life, you need to know why regular self –discipline is important for personal growth. And that’s where we step in. With thorough study and research, we have crafted a list of 9 ways that self-discipline helps to promote your personal growth in order to get you motivated and inspired to take it up as a habit.

  1. Self-Discipline Helps You Keep Your Focus

Have you ever had the feeling that you could achieve loads if only you could keep your focus on your work, your short-term objectives, and your long-term goal? It is needless to say that being sharp focused is an imperative component of personal growth that puts us on the track to success. People who practice self-discipline seldom work haphazardly. They have a set time to work every day and then a defined time to have fun, enjoy their hobbies, and relish the other activities. This is what sensitizes their brain to avoid unnecessary, disturbing thoughts during work hours. By preventing their thoughts from wandering in the past or present, they bring their entire attention and focus to the “here and now”, to the work that they need to accomplish in the present. With increased focus, their overall productivity and creativity are called into action that enables them to get things done optimally, and in time.

  1. Self-Discipline Earns You The Respect That You Deserve

There is no argument over the fact that almost all of us are in search of respect. Think about it. How many times have you wished to be respected more at your workplace but failed to get what is rightfully yours? The reason could be as simple as the lack of discipline. Once you adopt self-discipline, people start to see you for someone who thrives for his personal growth, someone that they can admire and respect. As mentioned earlier, people with self-discipline are seldom late for their assignments and tasks. They tend to get their work done up to perfection and deliver it on time. Self-discipline is like a seed that supports multiples qualities which fuel up the cycle of personal growth. On the other hand, the weeds of procrastination and laziness fail to survive in someone who has a planted the seed of self-discipline. What’s more is that once you start to receive admiration and respect for the show of your self-discipline, it motivates and inspires you further to diligently work for your personal growth.

  1. Self-Discipline Helps You Stay Healthy

In this time and age where cancers, infections, and viruses are spreading like fire, health is without a doubt the greatest wealth. Working for your personal growth takes a lot of effort, hard work, and determination. Do you think you would feel like investing all of it if you weren’t healthy in the first place? Putting it simply, nothing can be achieved in life without health. One of the most conspicuous benefits of adopting self-discipline is that it helps a great deal in keeping you healthy. Why is it so, you ask? People with self-discipline have a healthy, stable routine for their days. They avoid staying up late for no apparent reason, they wake up early in the morning, they keep themselves connected to nature, they take their healthy meals on time, they exercise regularly, etc. All of these mini habits which are all branched from self-discipline ensure better health. A healthy body and well-coordinated mind are in a much better position to focus and work diligently for personal growth than otherwise.

  1. Self-Discipline Keeps You Active

When was the last time you saw a lazy procrastinator to be successful in his life and focus on his personal growth? The answer is [restrict] “Never” because it just doesn’t work that way. There’s no such thing as a free lunch. If you are not willing to go through pain, there will be no gains for you either. In an attempt to promote your personal growth, self-discipline acts as a ladder that takes you out of the ditch of laziness and procrastination. It keeps you enthusiastic and active towards achieving your life goals to an extent where a lazy day starts to feel like a waste of time. Self-discipline is the very root of being confident. It lets you build an energetic vibe that doesn’t only keep you motivated for personal growth but inspires others around you to do the same as well.

  1. Self-Discipline Teaches You Self-Control

The true mark of self-discipline is indeed self-control. Having a vision for the future is imperative for your personal growth. All of us have certain short-term objectives to achieve, but if we are failing to hit the target in the long run, it is next to impossible for us to be successful in the prominent domains of life. This is a mistake that self-discipline prevents you from committing. Self-discipline stimulates your inner strength to make you the master of yourself. It stops you from being a puppet of your momentary desires, temptations, and feelings. It gradually teaches you to keep them in check and focus on what you wish to achieve in the long run. In other words, it is a quality that removes all barricades from the way to your destination. It opens your mind to see the future and plan for it. Not with panic, but with strategy.

  1. Self-Discipline Gives Meaning To Education

Discipline is a concept that is taught and emphasized for a student from a very early age. There is a reason why schools start at 8 o’ clock sharp in the morning and close at a specific time. It is, in itself, a lesson in the importance of discipline which is the very fuel for personal growth. Remember, having the mental capacity to add a few numbers or write a few letters together is not education. A greater purpose that it thrives to achieve is teaching values like self-discipline to the pupil. With self-discipline, students learn to focus on what is being taught, get their assignments done on time, broaden their mental capabilities to apply what they have learned in their real lives, and eventually grow up to be a responsible and productive part of the society. Self-discipline helps you from the very start to perform better at academia that opens new horizons for you in terms of better occupational prospects. It all eventually translates into success, prosperity, and happiness for you; the very constituents of your personal growth.

  1. Self-Discipline Is Your Ride To Happiness

Public Health is an up and coming field in the world of healthcare that emphasizes on the quality of life. Take happiness out of your life and think of the quality that you are left with? Truth is, there is no quality of life without happiness. No matter how hard you work for your personal growth, it won’t mean anything to you if you are not satisfied from within and naturally happy at the end of the day. Self-discipline takes it upon its shoulders as well to give you a ride to happiness. It can be accomplished by a number of things, be it by getting your things done with perfection and on time, by keeping you healthy, by restoring your mood with regular exercise, by enabling you to achieve your goals, etc. It could be anything. The point being that self-discipline pushes you in the direction of genuine happiness. When you start to find happiness in your personal growth, the only way you can go from there is up.

  1. Self-Discipline Is The Cure For Stress And Anxiety

Last but not least on our list of why regular self-discipline is important for your personal growth is because it is a natural cure for all the stress and anxiety that confronts you on a daily basis. Self-discipline is like meditation when it comes to securing your mental health. More often than not, all of our stress and anxiety is rooted in the embarrassment of the past or the panic of the future. Self-discipline provides nutrition to your personal growth and makes you able to see that your past is not for you to be embarrassed, but for you to learn from and improve yourself for the time to come. It also broadens your vision of the future for you to strategically plan for you. Once you can see the future and have a plan for it, the associated panic automatically starts to fade away. By keeping the stress and anxiety in check, therefore, self-discipline frees up your mind and optimize it for productivity and creativity that consequently leads to personal growth.


Self-discipline is not just a habit; it’s a quality, a philosophy, and it’s essentially your way of life. It enables you to see the purpose of your life, its importance and motivates you to make your personal growth a priority for yourself. A word of caution, though; if it has not been your way life, it will take some time and serious effort for you to adopt this new habit. There are going to be relapses. It’s okay, relax, give yourself some breathing room and keep at it. Keep practicing diligently and you will ultimately master the art of self-discipline.

Now that you are familiar with the importance of self-discipline for your personal growth and the benefits that it has to offer, it is now up to you to decide whether or not it is worth the effort. We could only tell you what you needed to know, the power of making an informed decision, however, lies with you. If you are convinced, then our job is done and we wish you all the best for the next phase i-e making self-discipline a way of life. [/restrict]

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