Self Growth

20 Mind Opening Tips that Everyone Must at Least Once Try

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20 Mind Opening Tips that Everyone Must at Least Once Try

Scientists have spent years learning and understanding the way the human mind functions. A better part of the research on neuropsychology hinted towards mental development is a phenomenon that stops as soon as the rest of the body stopped to develop. Therefore, throughout the previous century, it was our understanding that the capacity of the human brain to formulate new neural connections is confined to the age of the early twenties. Much like the rest of the body parts, neurons were thoughts to be prone to weakening with the growing age. It had an unfortunate implication that any given individual is at risk of a significant reduction in the brain function since older age causes neural connections to breakdown. The weakening of the mental capabilities was considered to be just as inevitable as the old age itself.

However, the good news is that the ongoing research on the human mind has now presented a breakthrough which states that things are not as straightforward or predestined for the human mind as it was previously believed. It is now a consensus among the neuroscientists of today that a human brain can continue to grow and make the new neural connection even after the age of 20. How does the idea of having newer neurons to support your mental capabilities sound to you even when you are in your later age?

Evidently, it is an interesting idea. But everything comes at a price. While the natural tendency of your brain is still to stop producing new neurons and decline in terms of functioning with older age, there are tips and practices that you can adopt to prolong the optimum functioning of your mind. Simply put, you are going to have to put an effort if you want your mind to stand by your side through the old age. You’d be lost in the mesh of the internet and overwhelmed by the information that you’ll find if you start a search for such tips by yourself. Therefore, we have done the homework for you. With a thorough study and hours of research, we have put together the top 20 mind-opening tips that everyone must at least try once. Read along and find out what you can do to protect, preserve, and enhance the power and functioning of your brain.

  1. Meditation And Mindfulness

If you have heard of meditation and mindfulness already, chances are that you have been told to practice it for stress management. The truth is, meditation and mindfulness are traditional practices that protect and enhance all components and functions of the human brain. With consistency, you can expect to have better memory, sharper focus, a peaceful mind, improved productivity, maximum creativity, and overall, impeccable quality of life, with meditation and mindfulness practices.

  1. Join A Gym

The benefits of working out are commonly confined to the stronger, more toned muscles. But it is an activity that is just as effective for improving your brain power and functioning. Physical activity is known to stimulate a change in mental chemistry with elevated levels of endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine being produced. Remember, these hormones are called the “happy hormones” for a reason.

  1. Continuous Education

A human mind is a complex machine that wants to keep learning. It is a commendable idea to never confine your education to school with graduation or even a Ph.D. degree. Stay curious, ask questions, and ponder over the basic principles behind phenomena. The more you think, the better your brain will perform in the long run.

  1. Sufficient Stimulation For The Mind

You can call this tip the “continuous education part 2”. Human body functions on a very simple and straightforward concept. The more you use a body part, the better and stronger will it get. For instance, you go to the gym and enhance the use of your muscles, as a consequence, they get bigger and stronger. Similarly, the more you stimulate your mind, the better it will function. For regular stimulation of the mind, the habit of reading a book is highly recommended. You can also provide the required stimulation with traveling, solving the crossword puzzles, taking quizzes and IQ tests, etc.

  1. Avoid Isolation

Being alone in a peaceful environment and enjoying a “ME” time has its benefits. But anything done in excess can prove to be harmful to the human body. Similarly, lack of social interactions and prolonged isolation can weaken the neural connections inside your mind which eventually translate into reduced brain functioning. Simply put, social interactions are much like exercise for the human mind.

  1. The Sleep-Wake Cycle

It’s unfortunate that our current generation has the most messed up sleep-wake cycle in the history of mankind. Why is it becoming a trend to work in the night and sleep through the afternoon? If you are serious about preserving your brain, protecting it against the harms of old age, and optimize its functioning, then start sleeping at a reasonable hour. Plan your day in a fashion that enables you to get a sound sleep for 8 hours. Avoid over as well as undersleeping. Your mind needs to rest in order to be refreshed. Don’t rob it of its right for a nap.

  1. Manage The Stress Effectively

Be it our professional life or a personal one, our lives as a whole are filled with stressors. Since it is an inevitable part of our lives in this time and age, what’s required is to have an effective mechanism to cope with it rather than being frustrated while running away. Things like meditation, mindfulness, repeating a personal mantra in your head, positive affirmations, etc. are known to remove the troubling thoughts off your mind and fill it up with peace.

  1. Laughter Is The Best Medicine

It is a statement that you have heard at least a hundred times in your life. But it is not just a saying. It is supported by science as well. As per the research, humor and laughter are an effective way of restoring your mood and minimizing the stress and anxiety of your routine life. What’s even better is that there are implications of better memory with a regular dose of humor as well.

  1. Did You Have Your Breakfast?

With our busy schedules and hectic routines, it is a common practice for all of us to rush to the office in the morning and forget about having breakfast, much less a healthy one. But you’d be amazed to know that having a healthy breakfast is associated with better reflexes, improved concentration, stable mood, enhanced memory, and sharper learning capabilities.

  1. Take Fatty Acids

Now that’s a shocker, right? Relax, we’re just focusing on [restrict] the omega-3-fatty acids. These are the type which is essential for brain development, both for its structure as well as function. One of the omega-3-fatty acids called the docosahexaenoic acid or the DHA is a significant component of the gray matter. Omega-3-fatty acids are now known to improve the learning ability of the human mind. Coldwater fish including Mackerel, Salmon, Herring, and Tuna are a few of the common sources of these fatty acids.

  1. Blueberries Are Your Friend

Deliciousness is not all that blueberries have to offer. These are highly effective in preventing mental decline with old age. Short term memory loss and imbalance of the body that is associated with old age are the two primary targets for the blueberries. Make a habit of consuming some of these flavonoids filled fruit and keep the sharpness of your memory over time.

  1. Seize Fire With The Vegetables

Don’t like eating vegetables? Tough luck. You’ll have to start if you want to keep an optimally functioning mind. The green leafy vegetables in particular including kale, cauliflower, spinach, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, etc. produce the most of Vitamin E. The antioxidant capabilities of these vegetables prevent the brain cells against the harms of free radicals which are notorious for reduced power and functioning of the brain.

  1. Go Get Some Water

We don’t care how busy you are, if you want that gifted mind to continue working through the old age, you must start keeping your body well hydrated. 8 Glasses of water per day is what is recommended, and you no longer have room to skip even a single of one of them. Hydration improves concentration, sharpens your focus, helps in avoiding headaches, and promote peace in your mental chemistry.

  1. Your Head And Heart Are Linked

Did you know that the risk factors for major cardiovascular diseases also jeopardize your mental health? For instance, Diabetes or Hypertension is just as harmful to the human brain as they are for the heart. All the more reason for you to protect yourself against such evils, right?

  1. Music Can Help

Finally, we perhaps have something on the list that you already and naturally love. Musical training has been shown to promote memory skills in an individual. So far, you may have been interested in music up to the extent of listening to it. Now maybe time for you to register yourself with one of the training classes. Choose an instrument of your choice and start learning to enjoy the benefits of improved memory and higher brainpower.

  1. Learn A Language

The world is turning into a global village, which is why the importance of learning a new language is tremendous as far as putting it on your resume is concerned. But did you know that learning a foreign language provides stimulation to your brain that helps prevent functional decline specifically the one that is associated with old age?

  1. Change The Patterns

Another tried and tested way of providing stimulation to your mind to preserve and protect its structure and enhance its functioning is to make little changes to your routine life. The change of pattern can involve any of your five senses as well as your emotional sense. For instance, the next morning when you get up to get ready for work, try to put on clothes with your eyes closed. When you are brushing your teeth, give your other hand a try at the activity. Go to a different grocery store to stop. Such small variations in your daily patterns stimulate your brain sufficiently to produce new neural connections for better functioning.

  1. Apply What You Learn

If you are looking for an open mind, then learning a new thing is not sufficient. It is rather boring for your mind. What it needs is its application in the practical life for it to produce newer neural connections. The more you are focused on the application of what you know, the more your brain will maximize its performance.

  1. Alcohol Is Counteractive

For a more powerful brain with enhanced functioning, the whole point is to preserve the brain cells. Alcohol, on the other hand, is absolutely counteractive. It’s simple. It kills your brain cells. And if that doesn’t tell you what it would do to your mental capabilities, nothing would.

  1. Connect With Nature

Last but not least, someone with an open mind can’t be someone who has disconnected with the “Mother Nature”. Just try it once. Go out to a park. Remove your shoes and start walking bare feet on the grass. Focus on your surroundings. Let everything else go and get a sense of the environment. You’ll see the effect of nature on your mental health for yourself.


It’s amazing how simple practices can help a great deal in opening your mind and optimizing its functioning over a long time. The tips we have mentioned above are guaranteed to improve your mental health. However, don’t expect a miracle. Things don’t happen overnight. It’ll take some time, consistency, and practice before you start to see the results. Keep at it. After all, it is an investment that you are making for a better, healthier life throughout the years. [/restrict]

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